Registration FAQ
Frequently asked questions regarding member registration and management

I can't login.

With new registrations, it is mostly the case that the username/password contained in the registration completion e-mail have been entered incorrectly.

The password requires that upper and lower case letters are entered correctly. Even if just one character is incorrect you will not be able to login. Please check that the Caps Lock key is not turned on, and that upper and lower case characters are entered correctly.

The most reliable method is to copy the username/password from the registration completion e-mail or password re-sending e-mail, and paste them into the login form.

In this case, please make sure that you do not accidentally copy blank spaces or part of the next line as well.

In the case that you still cannot login, please re-send the password using the re-send password form, and confirm the password.

Jul 07 07:07 | How to use | 管理

