Registration FAQ
Frequently asked questions regarding member registration and management

My account disappeared.

If any of the following points appply to your account, it may have been deleted.

In the case that e-mails sent from were returned as address unknown.
- Is a valid e-mail address set in user information?
- If you have set mail forwarding, is the forwarding address valid?
- Could the e-mail not be received because your mail box is full?
- Are you rejecting the e-mail?
- If you have options set to only receive e-mails from specified domains, have you set as such?
- Have you set an automatic reply such as "please do not reply to this e-mail address"?

In the case that when using the free homepage, adverts were obscured.
- Have you set the link font colour and the background colour as the same colour?
- Have you added a non-display tag to a page that cannot be set to not display?
- Using DIV tags and so forth, have you set an image to appear on top of advertising text?

In the case that when using the free homepage, in a 30 day period there was near enough no access to the user top page.
- It does not matter if the homepage is being updated. A decision is made based on amount of access to the user top page.

In the case that it is decided that the user agreement has not been read.

Also, in the case that content contradicts the user agreement, or is deemed by our company to be inappropriate.

In the case that an account has been deleted, a notification of this will usually be sent by e-mail, but please be aware that enquiries regarding reasons and so forth cannot be replied to. Also, in the case that an account has been deleted, it cannot be restored under any circumstances.

An account that has been deleted cannot be replaced by registering a new account using the same account name or e-mail address within 48 hours.

The main criterior based on which our company deletes accounts is whether or not they are malicious. We conclude that a user is malicious in the case that user information has been entered randomly, the homepage contains content that has been published without permission, and so forth, and the FAQ and user agreement have clearly not been read, or have been read but are intentionally being violated. Repeatedly sending enquiries to which answers are listed in the FAQ or user agreement may also lead to account deletion.

Jul 07 07:07 | Other | 管理

