Registration FAQ
Frequently asked questions regarding member registration and management

The FAQ did not solve the problem...

- For questions and problems regarding blogs,
please refer to the Blog FAQ.
- For questions and problems regarding webhosting,
please refer to the Webhosting FAQ.
- For questions and problems regarding guestbooks,
please refer to the Guestbook FAQ.
- For questions and problems regarding the Internet Radio Station Buttobi-Wave, please refer to the Buttobi-Wave FAQ.

If you have read this FAQ and the above FAQ and your problem is unsolved or there is a bug, please let us know using the Support Form.

However, whether or not it is regarding something written in the FAQ or not, we cannot reply to enquiries if based on their content it can be judged that the FAQ and Terms of Service have not been read.

Please read the FAQ carefully before asking questions.

Jul 07 07:07 | FAQ does not answer question | 管理

